Friday, June 23, 2006

Can't leave this City

Like the locals I can't seem to leave this beautiful city. Local custom here -for the fabulously wealthy at least- is to build extravagant houses with marble, oak doors and columns and then leave them behind and move across town and build another, then when the neighborhood goes "bad" to move to another part of the city and build another outrageous multi million dollar house, very unlike in the US where people just flee to the suburbs. This provides the city with mansions in both the poorest and richest neighborhoods, as well as by the skyscrapers and ports.

I also got to watch another futbol game here but unfortunately they tied so I have to stay for the next futbol game.

I wasn't even supposed to come to BaAs but now it looks like I will be staying here for at least another couple days on my friend Emily's couch.

It's worth mentioning that when you buy milk here it comes in a bag, instead of a box.


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